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GWT + Struts 1.x + Netbeans Tutorial (Part 2)

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oDesk Certified Java Developer

Part 2: Add the Struts framework to Netbeans.

The Struts 1.x framework is a well-tested, well-documented, mature, popular MVC framework and many developers are familiar with it. It has pros and cons just as any other framework. There are other frameworks that compete with Struts, you can find more info here. I chose it for this tutorial for it's simplicity and because it's a framework that's been around for over 10 years. It's not the only one but the features are good, it helps you keep your code tidy and it also provides a few features to avoid boilerplate code, like a choice of automatic server-side validation versus automatic client-side validation in JavaScript and so on.

Assuming the framework is not installed or activated on your Netbeans installation. The procedure to activate it is simple, just click on "Tools" and then "Plugins". On the plugins dialog, select the "Available plugins" tab and type "Struts" in the Search box in the upper right-hand side of the dialog. If it appears on the result catalog, click the check-box beside it and at the bottom left-hand side of the dialog click the "Install" button. 

If it didn't appear in the results catalog then switch to the "Installed" tab and type "Struts" in the Search box in the upper right-hand side of the dialog. You should see it in the results catalog. You can check if it's active by looking for a green tick on the "Active" column at the right side of the listing. If it's not active, click the check-box beside the Struts listing and look for the "Activate" button on the lower left-hand side of the dialog.

After it's installed and activated you'll be able to select it from the Frameworks list when you create a new Java Web project from the New Project Wizard or add Struts support to an existing project by right-clicking the project, then clicking on "properties" and selecting it from the "Frameworks" menu in the project's property dialog.

If you have any suggestions, ideas for full blown system integration (sb) or comments, leave a message below.

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